lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011
sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011
Descarga Episodio 6x15 con subtitulo
6x15 "The French Mistake"
Hay algunas escenas en la casa de Bobby, Pueden o no pueden estar en orden. Están en una serie de televisión llamada Supernatural en el set de la versión de la casa de Bobby. Están en la tierra de la TV, hay algún digital estático y Dean está en maquillaje. Sam y Dean dejan de la serie.
Algunas otras escenas aleatorias son filmadas también. Castiel no es Cas, pero en cambio él es Misha. Hay escenas que lo involucran y un personaje llamado Virgil. Sus interacciones podrían no ser tan agradables para Misha.

Hay algunas escenas en la casa de Bobby, Pueden o no pueden estar en orden. Están en una serie de televisión llamada Supernatural en el set de la versión de la casa de Bobby. Están en la tierra de la TV, hay algún digital estático y Dean está en maquillaje. Sam y Dean dejan de la serie.
Algunas otras escenas aleatorias son filmadas también. Castiel no es Cas, pero en cambio él es Misha. Hay escenas que lo involucran y un personaje llamado Virgil. Sus interacciones podrían no ser tan agradables para Misha.
viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
Supernatural The Animation: Descripción Oficial Todos los capitulos
Episode 1: The Alter Ego
While looking for their father who has disappeared, demon hunters Sam and Dean start to investigate a bizarre string of murders in which husbands are being accused of killing their wives. The brothers head to a town in Missouri. While the suspects are the husbands and there's evidence that supports that they did it, all of them insist that they are innocent. Sam and Dean think that it might be the doing of their ikiryou (from Japanese mythology - a vengeful manifestation of part of a living person's soul) and start the investigation, however...
Episode 2: Roadkill
A couple gets into a car accident on a mountain road. When the wife, Molly, comes around, she can't find her husband anywhere and wanders about the forest where someone attacks her. By chance, Sam and Dean happen to pass by and she asks them for help. However, they are in the middle of investigating a ghost phenomenon which happened near the place of the accident.
Episode 3: Home
Guided by Sam's vision, Sam and Dean return to the house where they spent their childhood. A mother and her child are being tormented by a mysterious phenomenon. The brothers think that it may be the doing of an evil spirit, so in order to find some clues they visit Missouri, a spirit medium who was close to their father. With the help of Missouri they succeed at exorcising the evil spirit. However, on the same night the mother and her child are once again attacked by a violent poltergeist phenomenon...
Episode 4: Ghost on the Highway
Sam and Dean were traveling in the Impala in the suburbs of New Orleans, when suddenly a police car starts chasing them. They are accused of being involved in a hit-and-run accident and causing a rear-end collision. The police arrest them without listening to their side of the story, but they are saved by Michael, the police chief's little brother and the vice-police chief, and are able to escape from the jail. However, hearing Michael mutter "the criminal might not be a human" piques their interest, so they decide to get in touch with him, but...
Episode 5: Savage Blood
In a rural town a strange incident keeps occurring. Cows are being killed and their blood, sucked out. Hearing this, Sam and Dean decide to check it out. There, Dean meets a small boy named Ryan, who is being bullied. Dean sees his past self in Ryan and decides to teach him martial arts. In the meantime, Sam notices Jason, a coldhearted vampire hunter, and decides to keep an eye on him, but...
Episode 6: Till Death Do Us Part
Threes years ago, Sam said farewell to his life as a hunter with his brother, Dean, and his father, John, and went to a university to study law. There he met a girl named Jessica, who would later become his girlfriend. During that time, a mysterious incident happens to two of Jessica's friends: they die after bleeding from their eyes. The demon's hand draw's near Jessica's back, too. Meanwhile, as hunters, Dean and John are investigating the same incident.
Episode 7: Temptation of the Demon
Sam and Dean get a call from Bobby, a hunter friend of theirs, who tells them that he found some clues about their missing father. They meet up with Bobby whom they haven't seen for several years and he tells them about the mysterious death of Henderson, a hunter and friend of their father's when he was in the Marine Corps. Using the clues, the three of them start investigating who the criminal is and they soon discover that it's the same "demon" who killed their loved ones.
Episode 8: Everlasting Love
In the suburbs of Chicago, young females with blond hair and blue eyes are being targeted in a string of murders. Sam and Dean think that it may be connected to demon worshiping and during the investigation, find out that every 15 years over the past 50 there have been similar murder cases in various places. The case becomes even more mysterious when on the latest crime scene fingerprints are found of a woman who died in a car accident 50 years ago. In order to find out the truth, the brothers visit the husband of the woman, Richard, but...
Episode 9: The Spirit of Vegas
While Sam and Dean are in Las Vegas trying to "earn some money", a chandelier falls down and kills the dealer right in front of their eyes. Since then, Dean is met with misfortune after misfortune. It turns out that Dean has been cursed by the God of Poverty, a Japanese god who is said to get attached to a human and cause him/her misfortune until their death. Can the brothers run away from the growing number of misfortunes?
Episode 10: Moonlight
Before the night of the full moon, prostitutes are being bitten to death by wild dogs, but this time a male lawyer was killed. Sam and Dean think that it may be connected to the werewolf legends and visit the victim's subordinate, Madison. Madison takes the place of Sam's now dead girlfriend in his heart and he decides to protect her, but she has a horrible secret.
Episode 11: Nightmare
Sam has a precognitive dream about a man dying and goes with Dean to a certain bar, but right before reaching him the man is attacked and loses his life. They are convinced that it was the doing of an evil spirit and visit the man's house. They meet his son, Max, and Sam feels like he has more than a simple connection to him. However, even though Max says that "they were very happy", the family seems to have a hidden secret.
Episode 12: Darkness Calling
While Sam and Dean are looking for their father, John is looking for clues about the being that killed his wife. He investigates Lily, the daughter of a woman who died in a fire in Michigan, the same way Mary had 22 years ago. Lily's father, Gray, tells him that on the day of the fire "a yellow eyed man" made Lily drink blood. They visit Lily, however "black eyed beings" are drawing closer to them.
Episode 13: What Lives In The Lake
Over the past few years, bizarre drowning accidents have been happening in a certain lake in Louisiana. They say the victims were attacked by a monster. Sam and Dean learn that, also in the past few years, the farming has been poor due to crop failure and a great number of the bees have died. They think that this is the doing of a demon and start investigating around the lake where the drowning
accidents occurred. They find clues that show that it was the doing of a demon, but...
Episode 14: Reunion
A series of bizarre murders occur in Colorado and a hunter named Daniel Elkins is among those killed. Sam and Dean think that it was done by a vampire and head out. Once there, much to their surprise, they find their father, John. Needless to say, the brothers are very happy and, following John's instructions, they set out to find the Colt, a gun stolen by the vampire that killed Elkins. Though Sam can't help but complain about the fact that John won't explain anything to them.
Episode 15: Devil's Trap
After Sam has a vision, he, Dean and John get into the car and set out. They finally have a chance to settle things with their old enemy, the "yellow eyed demon". However, John falls into a trap set by the demons and is captured. Can Sam and Dean save John? And will they be able to defeat their enemy, the "yellow eyed demon"?
Episode 16: In My Time Of Dying
The Winchester family suffered serious injuries during the fight with the demon. Sam and John regain consciousness, but Dean stays in a coma. Dean, whose soul was separated from his body, wanders around the hospital till he meets a Reaper. Dean is uncertain whether to die or stay in this world as a ghost and become the same as the demons they hunt. Meanwhile, Sam and John decide to take certain actions in order to save him.
Episode 17: Rising Son
Dean is tormented by the sin he committed and loses his reason to fight. When he can't take the suffering anymore, Missouri pays a visit and hands him a photo which awakens old memories inside him. 15 years ago, Ryle, a teacher at the school Sam and Dean were attending, became a mother like figure for the brothers and a member of the Winchester family. However, Dean remembers their mother, Mary, and can't idly accept Ryle. Ryle had a secret that even John didn't notice.
Episode 18: Crossroad
Leaving the words, "I'll be killed by the black dog!" behind, an architect jumps off his own mansion and dies. Sam and Dean think that it's possible that it's the work of their old demon enemy and start investigating the truth. They learn that 10 years ago, other geniuses died in similar ways. Sam and Dean think that the "Crossroads Demon", who grants people's wishes in exchange for their lives, is behind the case. In order to save the next victim, they take a big gamble and risk their own lives.
Episode 19: Loser
Jake, serving as a soldier in Afghanistan, lost his mother 22 years ago in a fire, just like Sam. The "Yellow Eyed Demon" follows him and tries to urge him to unleash his hidden power, but he always refuses to do it. While leading his troops, they are attacked by the enemy and on the verge of destruction. In order to save his friends who are falling in front of his eyes, Jake makes a decision. In the meantime, Sam and Dean visit Jake's hometown, Saint Louis.
Episode 20
What Is And What Should Never Be
Episode 21 & 22
All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 & Part 2
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
Título de los episodios 6x20(+ INFO) y 6x21
"The Man Who Would Be King"
ED Edlun Dirigira y escribira el epi 6x20 de Supernatural!
Supernatural fans, has estado muriendo por saber como se veria un episodio dirigido por Ben Edlund? Si usted está asintiendo con entusiasmo, a continuación, marque su calendario fuera de 6 de mayo. Esa es la fecha cuando Edlund hará su debut como director en Supernatural, un representante del show asi lo confirma.
El episodio, titulado “The Man Who Would Be King”, también será escrito por Edlund. No hay detalles disponibles sobre la trama todavía, pero a juzgar por los créditos de escritura de Edlund en las series de la CW, que incluyen el hilarante meta episodio de esta semana “The French Mistake” las posibilidades son infinitas.
Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que el episodio se transmitirá muy cerca del final de la temporada, supongo que implicará más un mito que una alegría. Si es así, no sería la primera vez Edlund ha manejado hábilmente un episodio realmente difícil dentro de la mitología (ver la temporada 4 el fantástico epi On the Head of a Pin”).
Otros programas de televisión donde Edlund posee créditos en la dirección es en la extinta serie Angel en el epi llamado '"Smile Time", que también escribió. Es
posiblemente uno de los mejores episodios de la televisión nunca.
"The Haunter of the Dark"
martes, 22 de febrero de 2011
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
Zap2it entrevista a Jared y Jensen
Cualquier fan de Supernatural puede decir que la primera mitad de la temporada 6 sentía drásticamente diferente a los personajes que habían llegado a conocer y amar en los últimos cinco años. No es un mal diferente, pero diferente, sin embargo.
La relación entre Sam y Dean, el núcleo de la serie, ha cambiado radicalmente con Sam volviendo del infierno sin su alma; La revelación envió a Dean en la cruzada, luchando sin descanso para llevar a su hermano a ser normal nuevamente.
Zap2it estaba en la escena en el saludo en la reunion de entretenimiento Supernatural evento que se llevo a cabo en Los Ángeles, donde Jensen Ackles y Jared Padalecki hablaron abiertamente sobre los retos que enfrentan en la primera mitad de la temporada 6.
jensen Ackles ha admitido que encontró la primera mitad del show la sexta temporada como "desafiante".
El actor dijo Zap2it que había luchado con la nueva faceta emocional de su personaje Dean Winchester.
"Esta temporada ha sido sorprendentemente fuera de mi zona de confort, por así decirlo, porque el personaje fue escrito de manera diferente", explicó. " Ackles, dice, añadiendo que todos los "pequeños matices y peculiaridades que se ha establecido con Dean se" limpió ".
Añadió que los cambios en la relación de Dean con su hermano Sam, que hasta hace poco ha estado sin su alma, había sido "difícil".
"Había una pared gigante que se habria presentados entre ellos para la primera mitad de la temporada ", dijo. "Era como una escisión. La constante que usted sabe y el tipo de confiar en el se había ido.
Para Padalecki, este año ha demostrado ser más que un reto de las temporadas anteriores, un reto que le da la bienvenida. "Ha sido un reto. Nuestro show realmente había un arco de cinco temporada que hemos hecho en las cinco temporadas, por lo que este año se inicio, pero en la misma dirección", dice. "Aún son los mismos personajes, siendo el mismo viaje, pero ha cambiado."
Parecía como si los hermanos se habían invertido los roles en los primeros diez episodios, Dean se había convertido en el hermano más sombrío y emocional. "Estábamos flip-flop, por lo que fue sin duda difícil, pero muy divertido," dice Padalecki. "Somos una especie de encontrar nuestro nuevo ritmo y llevarlo adelante, así que ha sido genial."
Sera Gamble previamente reveló que los hermanos Winchester se desarrollará "un nuevo tipo de relación fraternal" en futuros episodios.
sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011
Descarga Episodio 6x14 con subtitulos
6x14 "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning"
Todavía reponiéndose de los últimos momentos del episodio 13? Bueno, parece que tienes razón para estar preocupado. El muro de berlin en la cabeza de Sammy, está siendo sacudido. Ha sucedido mucho antes de lo que probablemente todos pensaron que sería. Pero la cuestión es mantener la mayor parte de la pared activa. Sam va a estar completamente loco, él acaba de empezar a tener convulsiones mientras recuerda el infierno.
Tenemos la promoción para el próximo episodio nuevo de Supernatural - a transmitirse el 18 de febrero. De lo que podemos ver, parece que Sam sigue en marcha y funcionando, por lo menos no ha desaparecido por completo catatónico. ¿Qué me lleva a creer que al menos parte de la pared todavía mantiene. Pero ya sabes que Dean va a seguir peleando por una forma de solucionar este problema .... suponiendo que hay una manera.
En el episodio 18 de febrero, en realidad volveremos a ver a Lisa y Ben de nuevo. Ben aparentemente llama Dean para traerlo de vuelta a casa, diciendole que Lisa está en problemas. De acuerdo con The CW, Dean se encuentra con una sorpresa cuando regresa a la casa de Lisa. Si tuviera que adivinar, diría que Lisa se mudó, Ben no es feliz por eso, y Dean va a estar cara a cara con su nuevo novio. Que finalmente se le dé el cierre de toda la situación?
En cuanto a Sam, él y Dean están trabajando en un caso, dejando a Sam por su cuenta. Parece que algo poseé a los maniquíes y otros objetos. Ni el Impala se escapa de esta.
Mal movimiento. Nadie se mete con el coche de Dean.
jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011
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