sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Un poco de historia: La leyenda de Samuel Colt


La historia de Samuel Colt es la historia de un hombre singular. Un hombre sorprendente, ambicioso, lleno de recursos para lograr sus objetivos. Y protagonista de una historia que combina romance, intrigas, ambiciones de poder y de dinero, pasiones y amores prohibidos.
La historia de Colt no es simplemente la historia de sus famosas armas, aunque es imposible analizar su vida sin tener siempre a la vista esa constante que permanecería unida a su nombre hasta su muerte, y que perduraría aun después de su desaparición física: el revólver.

La historia de Samuel Colt no es tampoco la saga de como él levantó una de las más grandes industrias armeras de su país, partiendo de la nada. La historia de Samuel Colt es algo más que todo esto. Es la historia de un niño que tenia un sueño, y de cómo lo llevó a la realidad no sin pasar por numerosas penurias, peligros y zozobras. Es también la historia de un país con sus violencias, sus logros y sus miserias, y el nacimiento de la más grande maquinaria industrial y de la mayor potencia bélica de todo el planeta y de toda la Historia de la Humanidad.
Samuel Colt nació en Hartford, estado de Connecticut, el 19 de Julio de 1814.

Desde una edad muy temprana demostró su interés por todo aquello que fuesen mecanismos, y especialmente se inclinó por los de las armas de fuego. En 1821, cuando apenas tenía 7 años, sus familiares recuerdan haber encontrado al niño Samuel, solo, sentado a la sombra de un árbol, con una pistola completamente desarmada. El niño se encontraba totalmente concentrado en la tarea de volver a armarla.

En 1824, el joven Colt de 10 años de edad protagonizó una de sus mayores travesuras. Distribuyó por todo su pueblo unos volantes en los que invitaba a los vecinos a presenciar una demostración de su novedoso "torpedo" (en realidad se trataba de una especie de mina submarina), prometiendo hacer volar una balsa anclada en un lago cercano. ¡Y por cierto que el joven Colt supo cumplir su palabra! Efectivamente la balsa voló por el aire, pero la explosión fue tan grande y potente, que los espectadores recibieron sobre sus cabezas una verdadera lluvia de agua y barro levantada a gran altura por la onda expansiva. Los pobladores persiguieron al precoz inventor por las calles del pueblo, dispuestos a dar su merecido al impertinente jovencito. Afortunadamente Samuel fue salvado de la ira de la multitud por un hombre joven y comprensivo que años más tarde tendría una gran importancia en la vida de Samuel Colt: el ingeniero Elisha K. Root.

Entre los años 1830 y 1831, el joven Colt se hizo a la mar como grumete del navío "Corvo". Su padre lo había convencido de hacer este viaje con la esperanza de que la experiencia lograría asentar el espíritu de su arriesgado, inquieto e imaginativo hijo, aplacando al mismo tiempo su sed de aventuras y sus deseos de conocer el mundo.

De aquel largo viaje que lo llevó a Inglaterra como escala de su destino final, la India, Samuel Colt regresó con una idea concreta de lo que sería su invento: un modesto cilindro, un eje y un martillo, tallados toscamente en madera durante sus ratos de descanso en el barco. Aquellas burdas piezas fueran inspiradas -según lo afirma la leyenda- en sus observaciones de la rueda del timón del barco, o del malacate del ancla, y la forma en que un trinquete aseguraba su posición.

En realidad, Samuel Colt no había inventado el revólver como habitualmente se afirma, y tal como él mismo se había encargado de pregonar y asegurar a quien quisiera escucharlo en aquellos días.
Existían ya en su época, antecedentes de armas con cañones múltiples y rotativos ("pepperbox"), y armas con un cilindro o tambor rotativo con varias recámaras (pistola de Collier). Armas que seguramente él mismo observara en la colección de la Torre de Londres, que visitara durante la escala del "Corvo" en aquella ciudad. El invento de Colt era en realidad un perfeccionamiento de la idea, posibilitada además por la reciente aparición en aquellos tiempos, del revolucionario sistema de percusión. Lo novedoso de su idea, sin duda ingeniosa, era vincular el giro automático del cilindro o tambor, con la operación de montar manualmente el martillo, y asegurar el tambor firmemente en su posición mediante una pieza.

El verdadero aporte de Colt fue sin duda, lograr su perfeccionamiento del revólver, haciéndolo práctico y confiable, y llevando a la práctica la idea de su producción masiva en grandes volúmenes, y mediante el sistema de cadena de montaje, aplicando en forma pionera el principio industrial de la intercambiabilidad de piezas producidas separadamente, sin requerir de mayores ajustes. Toda una revolución para la época.

Aquellas rudimentarias piezas de madera talladas por Colt, fueron transformadas en realidad apenas Colt tocó tierra americana nuevamente. Los primeros prototipos fueron producidos por armeros locales como Anson Chase y John Pearson, contratados y pagados -con bastantes dificultades- por el mismo Colt, con dinero recaudado de forma singular: entre 18 y 18 Samuel Colt se dedicó a viajar por los EE.UU. bajo el seudónimo de Dr. Coult de Calcutta, autotitulado "químico práctico" dedicándose a demostrar los efectos del óxido nitroso, el célebre "gas hilarante" entre los sorprendidos e inocentes habitantes de su país. Cada dólar recaudado de esta manera, fue destinado al pago de sus prototipos.

Entre 1836 y 1842, Colt produjo industrialmente sus primeras armas (fusiles, escopetas y revólveres con tambor) a través de una concesión de sus patentes de invención, cedidas temporalmente a una compañía formada al efecto: la"Patent Arms Manufacturing Company", establecida en la localidad de Paterson, Nueva Jersey. Por diversos motivos, fundamentalmente la imposibilidad de obtener un buen contrato del Gobierno, y el hecho de que las armas no estaban todavía suficientemente desarrolladas, esta aventura comercial terminó en la quiebra, dejando al joven inventor -y según su propias palabras en una carta dirigida a un amigo: "más pobre que un ratón de iglesia".

Para desesperación de sus accionistas, durante los últimos meses de zozobra económica de la fallida "Patent Arms", la precaria situación de la misma no fue impedimento para que el extravagante Samuel Colt se alojara en los mejores hoteles de Nueva York, ordenara sus trajes en los más cotizados sastres del momento, y continuara fumando sus habituales habanos cubanos, acompañado de costosas bebidas importadas de Europa. Una pasión que junto con su afición a las mujeres hermosas no lo abandonaría hasta su temprana muerte.

Durante los años siguientes a la quiebra de la Paterson Arms, el joven Colt continuó trabajando (aunque sin mayor éxito) tratando de interesar a funcionarios del Gobierno, militares y particulares, sobre las bondades de su revólver. Paralelamente desarrolló otros inventos, como su sistema de minas submarinas para protección de puertos, y su cable submarino para conducir electricidad y señales telegráficas,
llegándose a asociar nada menos que con Morse, el "padre" de la telegrafía.

A pesar del fracaso comercial de la empresa de Paterson, la semilla de la idea de Colt estaba ya sembrada. Los revólveres Paterson, especialmente el modelo de mayor tamaño conocido comúnmente como "Modelo Texas", había tenido un destacado papel entre los Texas Rangers de aquella conflictiva y convulsionada región.

En 1846, cuando todo parecía estar perdido, Samuel Colt recibió una ayuda inesperada y decisiva en su vida: el Capitán Samuel Walker, veterano de las guerras de Texas y Méjico, estaba convencido de que
los Texas Rangers y los Cuerpos de Dragones de los EE.UU. necesitaban de un arma superior a todo lo conocido. Y además, estaba firmemente convencido de que Samuel Colt podía proporcionar dicha arma: un revólver basado en el Paterson "Texas", modificado y mejorado según las opiniones y experiencias del Capitán Walker. De la relación entre Samuel Colt y el Capitán Walker, nació un revólver descomunal y poderoso el "Modelo de 1847", conocido como "Colt-Walker" el cual fue fabricado en los talleres de Eli Whitney, contratado al efecto por Colt, que en aquella época no poseía fábrica propia. Este revólver, y un contrato del Gobierno por la provisión inicial de 1.000 ejemplares, permitiría que poco tiempo más tarde Samuel Colt pudiese cumplir su sueño de joven: abrir su propia fábrica ("remar mi propia canoa" como él solía decir), para fabricar el arma que soñara durante su viaje en el Corvo: el revólver.

Colt inició sus actividades en la ciudad de Hartford, Connecticut con una pequeño taller en la calle Pearl, y al poco tiempo se mudaría a un segundo taller algo más grande. El éxito de sus nuevas armas, lo llevaron a expandir sus operaciones, por lo cual comenzó a construir una nueva y grandiosa fábrica, adquiriendo terrenos inundables a muy bajo costo, en las cercanías del río. Para proteger su nueva fábrica, mandó construir grandes terraplenes de tierra a modo de diques, los cuales fijó con plantaciones de mimbre. (Más tarde traería de Alemania, trabajadores especializados en tejer mimbre, para fabricar
muebles y aprovechar sus plantaciones!!)

Recién en 1855 finalizaría la construcción de la gran fábrica que lo haría rico y famoso. Un grandioso edificio de ladrillos rojos de Portland, coronado por una imponente y majestuosa cúpula azul con
estrellas doradas, en cuya cima se encontraba un Caballito Rampante dorado subido a una esfera que representaba la tierra. Durante un corto periodo (1853-1857), Colt también operaría una fábrica en Inglaterra.

Sus primeros modelos fueron la serie de Dragoons, versión mejorada del Walker, los pequeños "Baby Dragoon" y "Pocket de 1849", y una de sus armas más famosas, el modelo 1851 "Navy".

Gracias a sus contactos a muy alto nivel, Samuel Colt supo con bastante anticipación sobre la irremediable llegada de la Guerra Civil. Este oscuro y sangriento episodio de la historia de los EE.UU., sería sin embargo, la gran oportunidad para llevar a la fábrica de Colt a su máximo régimen de producción y ganancias. Para fines de 1860, durante un viaje de descanso en Cuba, tratando de restablecer su minada salud, Colt ordenaba a los directivos de su fábrica: Produzcan armas día y noche, redoblen los turnos si hace falta. Cosechen heno mientras todavía brilla el sol". (La Guerra Civil estallaría en Abril de 1861 con el ataque a Fort Sumpter, y finalizaría en 1865)

Samuel Colt murió muy joven a los 47 años, el 10 de enero de 1862. En aquel momento, era uno de los hombres más ricos y poderosos de su país, pero se encontraba psíquicamente agobiado por la muerte
temprana de sus hijos al poco tiempo de nacidos, agotado por exceso de trabajo y debilitado por sufrir de gota y un resfrío mal curado que comprometió su sistema respiratorio. También es muy posible que este cuadro general estuviese complicado por la existencia de una enfermedad venérea.

Su joven viuda, Elizabeth Jarvis Colt, una mujer de temperamento de acero y firmes convicciones religiosas, amante esposa y gran compañera, seguiría manejando los destinos de la firma hasta su
muerte en 1905.

La cantidad de modelos y variantes de armas cortas y también largas producidas por la Colt a lo largo de su historia es tan grande como complejo su análisis. Esto hace las delicias de cualquier coleccionista,
y difícil su estudio. Muchos fueron sus modelos famosos, como el Modelo Army de 1860, la más perfeccionada de sus armas de percusión.

El célebre Modelo de 1873 Peacemaker, o Frontier, inmortalizado por las películas de vaqueros. El Modelo 1877, primer arma doble acción de la marca. El Modelo 1889 Navy, primer doble acción con
tambor volcable de Colt son algunos de los hitos.

En 1900, Colt se transforma en la fábrica pionera de su país al comenzar la producción de pistolas semiautomáticas, utilizando las patentes de John M. Browning. Su modelo más famoso se desarrollaría en 1911, al ser adoptada su pistola calibre .45ACP por el Gobierno de los EE.UU. como arma reglamentaria.

En la década de los años 60, con los EE.UU. profundamente involucrados en la Guerra de Vietnam, la Colt inició la producción del famoso fusil de asalto AR-15/M-16, recamarado para el polémico cartucho 5,56 mm el cual se impuso definitivamente después de superar los problemas técnicos surgidos en los primeros tiempos de su adopción oficial por las Fuerzas Armadas de los EE.UU.

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Nombre del episodio 6x13

El episodio nro 13 sera titulado "Unforgiven"

Episode 6.10 - Caged Heat - Space Sneak Peek

Hoy es el Cumpleaños de Katie Cassidy (RUBY)!!!

Un muy Feliz Cumpleños a Katie, espero que en este día la pases genial junto a tus amigos y familiares. Es el deseo de la administradora del BLOG "SUPERNATURAL" Paula.


A very Happy Birthday to Katie, I hope this day passes with great friends and family. It is the desire of the blog administrator "SUPERNATURAL" Paula.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Ratings News - 20th November 2010 - How did Smallville and Supernatural do?

Spoilers from TV-Guide 6X10

Spoilers de TV-Guide
Como es lógico, la vida es el Infierno para Sam (Jared Padalecki) y Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester de Supernatural en estos días. El alma de Sam está en el Infierno, bajo el control del demonio Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard). Para devolverla, el demonio hace que los hermanos le traigan los "Alfas", las cabezas de cada especie de monstruos - vampiros, hadas y cambia formas entre ellos - que están perdiendo el control. Hasta ahora, es un trato explosivo. "Los hermanos están cansados de Crowley llamándolos a cacerías", la productora Sera Gamble dice, "porlo que [en los episodios a trasmitirse el 3 y 10 de Diciembre], cada uno de ellos va bastante lejos para tratar de resolver el problema de Sam". Los poderosos ángeles Castiel (Misha Collins) y Balthazar (Sebastian Roche) se involucran, como también la demonio odiada de los Winchester Meg Masters (Rachel Miner).

Spoilers from TV-Guide
Not surprisingly, life is hell for Supernatural’s Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester these days. Sam’s soul is in Hell, under the control of the demon Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard). To get it back, the demon makes the brothers fetch him the “Alphas,” the top dogs of each of the monster species — vampires, fairies and shape-shifters among them — that are running amok. So far, it’s a bum deal. “The brothers are tired of Crowley calling the shots,” exec producer Sera Gamble says, “so [in the episodes airing December 3 and 10], each of them goes pretty far to try to solve Sam’s problem.” Powerful angels Castiel (Misha Collins) and Balthazar (Sebastian Roche) get involved, as well as Winchester-hating demon Meg Masters (Rachel Miner).

Supernatural The Animation: DVDS

Ok guys the fine people over at MADHOUSE (Death Note, Paprika, Vampire Hunter D and Summer Wars) have given us a new trailer for the upcoming Supernatural Anime. Unfortunately the release date on the first volume has been pushed back from Janurary 22 to February 23 with the following updated release dates.
Blu-Ray/DVD Volume 1: 2/23 (Episodes 1-2)
The Blu-Ray boxsets are split into two volumes per box:
Supernatural Box 1 Blu-Ray (Vol 2/Vol3/Bonus Disc): 3/29 (Episodes 3-12)
Supernatural Box 2 Blu-Ray (Vol 4/Vol 5/Bonus Disc): 4/6 (Episodes 13-22)

The DVD boxsets will be split into 5 volumes per box:
Supernatural Box 1 DVD (Vol. 2-6/Bonus Disc): 3/29 (Episodes 3-12)
Supernatural Box 2 DVD (Vol.7-11/Bonus Disc): 4/6 (Episodes 13-22)

So now i have some good news and some bad news for you guys. The bad news is that the Supernatural Anime will only be released in Japan, which means that it will be in Japanese with English sub-titles. The good news is that if you get the Blu-Ray copy it will be playable in U.S. Blu-Ray players.

But knowing how many people love the show, Supernatural, in America it wont take long for them to bring it here and have it dubbed with the original cast members of the show.

This release will apparently cover the storyline from the first two seasons of the live action series while also having some new original stories mixed in that will include material of the Winchester brothers' younger days and more such as anime-only enemies and stories focusing on the supporting cast from the live-action version.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Nueva novela de SPN

Nueva novela
Supernatural: One Year Gone
Author : Rebecca Dessertine

Dean cree que Sam está en el Infierno, asi que él está tratando de mantener su promesa a su hermano y vive una vida normal con Lisa y Ben. Cuando él se da cuenta que un hechizo en el Necronomicon podría resucitar a Lucifer y luego a San, él convence a su nueva familia de viajar con él de vacaciones a Salem.
Mientras Sam no está tan lejos como Dean cree y está determinado a proteger a su hermano de la brujas de Salem.

New Supernatural novel
Supernatural: One Year Gone
Author : Rebecca Dessertine

Product Description
Dean believes that Sam is in Hell so he is trying to keep his promise to his brother and live a normal live with Lisa and Ben. When he realizes that a spell in the Necronomicon could raise Lucifer and therefore Sam, he convinces his new family to travel with him on vacation to Salem.
Meanwhile Sam is not as far away as Dean thinks and is determined to protect his brother from the Salem witches...

Spoiler de Kristin

¿Alguna palabra de si Chuck volverá a Supernatural? Estoy feliz de ver que la serie recupera finalmente su guía después de que Kripke abandonó el barco. Pero aun quiero saber si Chuck era Dios o no. Parece que han abandonado ese argumento.
Tienes razón, lo siento. Ha sido desechado por ahora, es lo que he oído. No hay planes para el retorno de Chuck. La nueva showrunner Sera Gamble nos dijo "Amamos a Rob [Benedict] y nuca decimos nunca, pero no hemos escrito una historia para él aun ".

Spoiler from Kristin
Seller: Any word of whether Chuck will be back on Supernatural? I'm happy to see that the show is finally getting its groove back after Kripke jumped ship, but I still want to know if Chuck was God or not. They seem to have abandoned that storyline.
You're right, sorry. It has been dropped for now, from what I hear. No plans for a Chuck return. New show runner Sera Gamble told us, "We love Rob [Benedict] and never say never, but we haven't written a story for him yet."

See Where SpoilerTV Users Rate Season 6 Episodes (Updated to 6.09)

Hey guys,

Had a bit of time and thought I would set up the same table I have been doing for Fringe and House with probably the biggest group of interactive fans on the site, as I figured it could be something you are all interested in. For those new to what it is, it is basically me taking how you all rated the individual episode of Supernatural this season, (when you voted Awesome, Great, OK etc.) and compiling it into a table so you can see the as a whole, which episodes where more popular.

This is the table thus far:

As you can see, the premiere was not as popular, but there was a steady increase in the following three episodes, where episode four, 'Weekend at Bobbies' hit the current top spot, before the episodes varied out across the board.

Do you agree? Disagree? Sound off and comment below, and if it proves popular I'll keep it going when Supernatural kicks back in a couple of weeks.

Episode 6.09 - Clap Your Hands if You Believe...

Having seen the preview for once, I went into this episode with the utmost trepidation. It looked no less than the stupidest, lamest stunt Supernatural had ever pulled. And... well...

Children of the Corn... making children in the corn.

Two teenagers are making out in a cornfield. "There's something out there." In the corn.

Patrick disappears into the corn.

They wander, through the corn.

And what do they find in the corn? Is it... a spaceship? It beams up Scotty Patrick, and the female Canadian guest star is left standing in a very neat crop circle.

And then the credits roll and I realise:


The X-Files style credits totally threw me off, and okay, I've never been a massive fan of that show but any intertextual postmodern episode such as this is enough to get my academic brain way overexcited!

A credit montage follows, with clips from old episodes (most notably hilarious 'Tall Tales' alien sequence). I was less impressed with this, it seemed choppy.

But the truth is in here, so let's find it. The town of something or other, Indiana, is ripe with excitement over the alien invasion, hoping to become the next Roswell. But one elderly lady calls bullshit on the whole UFO-nonsense: of course it's not aliens, it's fairies. Of course. Cause, spoiler alert, it was never really aliens in X-Files either. Allegedly.

By the way, it always strikes me as funny when characters in a supernatural environment refuse to believe in something supernatural they're unfamiliar with: we're vampires, but surely there can be no such thing as werewolves! We're witches and wizards and have seen all kinds of unbelievable things, but surely there is no such thing as the Deathly Hallows! We hunt demons and have previously fought fairytale creatures and GODS, but surely there is no such thing as fairies...... see what I mean?

Sam is offensive again like last week, and from all your comments I gather that some people find this amusing... I just find it annoying though. If Sam is so emotionless, why is he so damn pissed off all the time And rude? He's supposed to have no inhibitions, I get it, but being passive aggressive is emotional too. So to me, his behaviour makes his whole arc seem inconsistent. He's not possessed by something angry; the whole point is that he's possessed by NOTHING, not even himself. And based on what they said in the first few episodes, Sam should be emotionless, cold and calculating. What is calculating about screwing up investigations and making fun of the people they are investigating? It doesn't make much sense.

Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket on new adventures. Does that make Castiel Gepetto?

Dean tells him he has to care... and I can't help thinking, he must care about something if he's getting so upset about them taking this case. But whatever, Dean promises to act as Sam's conscience (now there's an interesting role reversal), which can never go well...

Meanwhile, in Brennan's Watchwork, something fairytaley seems to be going on.

Brennan acts all sad and worried when Dean and Sam are there, but as soon as they leave, he asks his clock if he did alright. Yeah, his clock. lol.

Dean warns Sam not to do anything without calling him first, but Sam is not happy about this (...). Dean goes off to check out the scene of the crime, and finds the UFO. I knew he was gonna be the Mulder.

Sam doesn't really care, which I have to admit, is a little funny. Scotty Dean is beamed up, and Sam has another beer. Oh how it hurts me.

I've got to strings, to hold me down...

Sam goes to find Dean's phone, and now he's left to figure out the mystery on his own - watch out, humankind!

He goes to the alien hippie camp to talk to the believers - and delivers the funniest line of the episode: "My brother was abducted... it's fine, I've had time to adjust." Oh Sammy. You're gonna kick your own ass when you get your soul back.

Dean is beamed back, looking shaken but intact... and finds Sam um, hanging out with the nice lady from the alien hippie camp.

"Grabby, incandescent douchebags" - way to mix up SAT words with your hunter slang there, Dean, I like it. PGOTW leaves, and Dean is upset that Sam didn't freak out - I mean, I get it, but he can't really expect anything else. We find out that Dean lost some time while abducted. He starts to talk about it, and Sam is once again hilariously inappropriate with his "safe room" and attempt at reassurance. Bless him, even soulless he really is trying. Kind of like Spike trying to be good - you can't fault the guy from being evil, he's made that way, but seeing him fight back just shows how strong his humanity is... sigh. Okay, bad example, cause this is nowhere as moving as that was. Back to the safe room.

"I had a close encounter, Sam, and I won."

Dean may or may not have been heading for the probing table, but he managed to hack and slash his way out of the supposed space ship. It was all very funny, one of the more enjoyable interactions we've seen between the brothers for a while. It struck me while watching it though, that once again something is happening to Dean. I don't think anyone can argue that it's still the Sam and Dean show anymore, this is so clearly the Dean show, with Sam around only to trigger emotional reactions from Dean. Whether it will change when Sam gets his soul back, or whether we'll once again focus on how it all affects Dean, well... I'm skeptical of there being any change, frankly.

And funnily enough, in the next scene Dean says the very think I mentioned earlier in this recap, that on top of everything else they've faced, now there are aliens. What's next, hobbits? Haha, I wish.

Dean says to Sam: "Our reality is collapsing around us and you're trying to pick up our waitress?" And huh - in season 1, Sam could have said something very similar to Dean. When Dean was Hell-bound in season 3, Sam DID say something very similar to Dean. So careful with the stone throwing Mister, I know you've got some new writers backing you, but the fans are all the same and their memories are frightening.

Sam has some moral questions for Dean: "what when there are no more leads? Do you just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there is nothing to be done?" Yeah, Dean says like it's the most natural thing in the world. But Sam, like a newborn baby unburdened by social semiotics (cha-ching!), is in a position where he can question the logic of this and make humanity seem a little weird. Ironic, in an episode supposedly about aliens.

"So you're saying that having a soul equals suffering."

Dude, did you watch Angel at all?! I can't decide if I'm excited or annoyed at how much SPN is ripping off the Buffyverse this season. I'll go with excited; some of it's unintentional after all, and some of it's just good TV.

Then OMG creepy guy in the window creeped me out! There's a homeless guy only Dean can see... but we'll get back to that.

They research aliens online... and the aliens come back to finish what they started. But instead of an alien, it's um, Tinkerbell? And Dean KILLS her with a microwave omg mean!!! But again, Sam doesn't see the splatter. I could have gone without it, too.

Sam connects the dust, and reaches a logical conclusion: smurfs fairies. And Dean KILLED one. :(

They go to the "crazy" lady - except she's not much crazier than Dean and Sam, considering they all believe in real things. She sings of a fairie dimension, where the little blighters probably skedaddle along happily, tinkering and blowing flower petals on each other... until a big ugly giant comes along and microwaves them. Sigh. Anyway, by fairy lady's logic, Dean can see fairies because he has been to their realm. And they only take first-born sons. Huh, imagine that. Honestly, I don't know why this is more plausible than aliens. To me it's like choosing whether to head down the sci-fi or the fantasy aisle in a book store. "Does make me wanna believe in UFOs again," Dean says, heading down the sci-fi aisle. No surprise there eh?

And now Dean is asking how to kill them, and at this point I'm thinking, if this turns into some giant Tinkerbell massacre I'm turning off my television. Sorry, I'm guess I'm just too girl to find fairy slaughter entertaining.

I do, I do, I do believe in fairies! And leprechauns! And Winchesters!

And now he sees them: little actual people (men, so they're dressed), busy little beavers in the clock shop. Now they believe that Brennan is using the fairies to make his clocks - but did he really trade his son for clocks? And yeah, the award for Stupid of the Year goes to... So because of Brennan, firstborn sons have been taken by the fairies and the leprechaun, supposedly to be eaten or in other ways servicing the king of fairies (it's best if we don't ask).

Dean once again sees creepy homeless man. He follows him down the obligatory dark alley, but instead attacks a poor little man and calls him a fairy. Haha, epic fail.

As Dean is taken into custody (for once I don't blame them), he calls to Sam to "fight the fairies!" And really, I thought Supernatural was more liberal than that!? In the prison, we're in for more hilariousness: "If this gentleman was a full sized homosexual, would that be okay?" the officer asks, trying to determine the nature of this hate crime. He tells Dean he'a all kinds of messed up, and well, we knew that.

Sam follows the Clockmaker into the fairies' den, but with the obvious disadvantage of not being able to see the fairies. Brennan is killed by a very visible enemy, however: the leprechaun, aka. crazy alien man. WHO SAW THAT COMING?!?!??!? I actually didn't. Too busy writing notes eh?

Dean has been marked by the fairies... he's theirs now. Heh heh heh. The leprechaun notices Sam's lack of soul (again, couldn't they have encountered all these knowledgeable creatures in episode 2 when no one knew what the hell was going on? Oh the wonders of linear storytelling. He does tell Sam something interesting though, that his soul is not completely out of reach. He can even get it back for him - for a price.

But Sam doesn't take the bait and takes a shot. Sadly iron isn't enough to kill him, and he fights back. Meanwhile, Dean fights Little Red Homeless Hood in his cell, and both brothers seem to be fighting a losing battle - unless Sam makes the leprechaun count some salt lol.

He dispels the fairies, back to their own reality where they belong - what a terrible metaphor - and the episode begins to close off. And I'm left thinking, a) so the fairies were actually just there making clocks and Dean actually killed one of them horribly, and b) the choppy credits very carefully included Misha Collins and he wasn't even in the fricking episode?! Double fail for the credits!

But definitely not for the rest of the episode - it's not going into the best episode hall of fame or anything of the sort, but Supernatural hasn't had quite the same level of comedic success in a while, and as random of a story and weak of a premise it was, it had some great gags and brotherly interaction not to be scoffed at.

In the final scene, Sam and Dean once again have a let's-wrap-up-the-remaining-loose-ends car hood chat with beer. Dean asks Sam why Sam said no to the soul... suspecting that maybe he doesn't want his soul back after all. Sam tells him he still does, but I'm betting he's lying. Seriously, we're headed for the mid season in a few eps - don't you agree it's soul time already?!

Episode 6.14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Episode 6.14 will be called "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning"


lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Episode 6.09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe - Recap

Two kids are making out in a cornfield and you know this ends badly. Haven't they seen Children of the Corn? Go park by an abandoned barn or the creek like everyone else. SuperJock sees something and goes into the corn to "have a quick look". This reminds me of Asylum when Dean said, "You seen a lot of horror movies, yeah?...Do me a favor, next time you see one, pay attention. When someone says a place is haunted, don't go in." Same thing applies to exploring cornfields, SuperJock. I thought Blondie was the smarter of the two, but she follows SuperJock in, because you know that always ends well. In a flash of light, SuperJock is gone, leaving Blondie all alone in a crop circle. Some say SuperJock is an homage to Clark Kent in Smallville, but I'd bet he's in honor of Billy from The X-Files' pilot. Speaking of XF, we get a credit sequence based on theirs, including the slow dancing alien from Tall Tales. You crack me up alien hallucination! Congratulations SPN writers, the Things That Confuse Me list starts now. Why is Misha Collins in the credit sequence and not Jim Beaver or Mark Sheppard? They are more important to this season thus far. Well, definitely Crowley and Bobby should be included every time just because he's awesome! Oh and apparently the truth is in the Impala. Someone alert Chris Carter. It's about time someone found it.

Various people exposit what's going on. The primary theory is aliens, but the sheriff cares more about the missing people and Sookie St. James-Light claims fairies. Dean is puzzled but does his best "back off slowly from the crazy person" routine. RoboSam is fine with her "adding glitter to that glue (she's) sniffing…but don't dump your wackadoo all over us." I like RoboSam; he says wackadoo. Dean makes excuses for RoboSam before realizing that yes he does have to explain appropriateness. "It's not that lady's fault she took the brown acid." RoboSam wants to know why they are there. They don't believe in aliens. Dean cries missing idiots. And today's episode is brought to you by the letter "E" for empathy. Dean wants RoboSam to care and don't we all (eventually), but he doesn't. Dean suggests that he "fake it 'til (he) makes it" and I'm with RoboSam here. You can't have it both ways Dean. Either he's the funny, brutally honest RoboSam or he's the creepy, completely fake RoboSam. I'll stick with the former. RoboSam says faking it is exhausting (It's exhausting to us too) but Dean says "You want to be a real boy, Pinocchio, you gotta act the part." To help Dean will be his conscience. "So you're saying you'll be my Jiminy Cricket." "Shut up, but yeah you freaking puppet, that's exactly what I'm saying." I laugh again and my hopes for this episode continue to rise.

SuperJock's dad is a watchmaker and they question him. Daddy Dearest is acting suspicious and RoboSam calls him on it. Dean makes him drop it and they leave as Daddy talks to the watch. Dean has Sam on surveillance as he checks out the crop circle. Dean: "But do not engage with, maim, or in any way, kill Brennan. In fact, I don't want you making any judgment calls whatsoever. Anything happens, you call me." RoboSam: "You know Jiminy, I was on my own for a year. I did fine without you." Dean: "Yeah. I don't want to know your definition of fine." Point to Dean this time. RoboSam, you admitted you killed innocent people to meet your goals. Not fine. Go with Dean on this.

Either Dean stopped for a latte or the crop circle is forty miles away as he checks out the crop circle in the dark. Probably not the best time to find clues, Dean. Plot contrivance calls using Sam's voice as Dean sees the light. Gun in hand he runs, crying, "UFO. UFO. Close encounter. Close encounter." Sam wants to know what kind of encounter. Bwah! The letter "E" leaves in protest as RoboSam orders another beer. Dean drops the phone and grabs a knife before he's taken by the light. Sam checks out the waitress. My sides are hurting already from laughing so hard.

Back in the crop circle, Sam follows the path to Dean's phone and hightails it to UFO groupie-central. That guy from Star Trek tells RoboSam everything he knows about ET's, but RoboSam is not impressed. "So you've been hunting UFO's for over 3 decades and you basically have no concrete data and zero workable leads…Have you considered the possibility that you suck at hunting UFO's?" Poor Star Trek guy. In all honesty though, put John Winchester on this for 2 months and there would be far better intel. RoboSam states Dean was abducted and hippie UFO chick uses it to show her interest in RoboSam. However, Sam's "had time to adjust." It has been 30 minutes. Hippie chick wants to help…undress RoboSam.

Concurrently, Dean appears back in the crop circle, gun blasting. I love Dean's freaked face! He hightails it to the hotel where RoboSam is doing the horizontal mambo with hippie chick. I would have turned away in embarrassment but Dean stands there shocked. Awkward! Hippie chick is glad Dean's back and wants to know what they were like. "They were grabby incandescent douche bags. " Dean is irate about RoboSam's pleasure while he was abducted. "You're upset." RoboSam wants to know what the big deal is. "I was abducted by aliens and you were banging patchouli." Bwah - "I didn't think she smelled that bad." Way to miss the point RoboSam. Dean experienced "UFO time slip" and RoboSam wants to talk about it. "It's ok. Safe room." What? It's a good thing I wasn't drinking because this is the funniest thing all night. RoboSam patting Dean's leg and using Sammy's concerned voice and Dean looking at him like he was nuts. Still laughing now. Dean freaks at "probing table". "So what did you do?" "I went crazy. I started hacking and slashing and firing. They actually seemed surprised. I don’t think anybody's ever done that before. I had a close encounter Sam and I won." Now I feel sorry for the aliens. You grabbed the wrong person. Great acting all around. Freaked out Dean is growing on me as much as RoboSam.

Dean's still freaked over coffee. "So if aliens exist, what's next? Hobbits." Nope Dean. I called dancing leprechauns and the Shoemaker's elves back when the promo pix came out. RoboSam hits on the waitress and I remember Dead in the Water when Dean wanted "FUN" but Sam kept dragging him back to topic. Oh have things changed in 6 years. Refocused Sam brings up hypotheticals, basically testing the parameters of when it's socially acceptable to have sex if your brother is missing. "So say you're on a case and your brother is abducted by aliens…" Have to say I never thought I'd hear that one on Supernatural, but it leads to fabulous conversation. Dean: "You sit in the dark and you feel the loss." Sam: "Absolutely, but couldn't I just do all that AND have sex with the hippie chick." Dean: "No." RoboSam: "But it would be in the dark." RoboSam, I adore you! RoboSam: "So you're saying having a soul equals suffering." Dean: "Yes, that's exactly what I am saying." RoboSam: "So you're saying suffering is a good thing." Dean: "I'm saying it's the only game in town." Dean darling, if you keep promoting souls to RoboSam this way, he's not going to go for it. But, you could get a job on the CW marketing team.

Dean sees homeless people, and threatens to hit RoboSam. That was odd and dumb, considering RoboSam's likely to hit back and not stop until you're dead. They research and Dean wishes bloggers would punctuate. Have to agree here! Do people realize how hard it is to read? David Bowie's Space Oddity plays in the background and if that isn't code for acid trip coming I don't know what is. Lights flicker and Dean takes on ..a glowing Kush ball? Now I'm laughing not because of the fight or Dean's weird faces, but because that's one lame special effect. Granted it's no Bugs, but I'm not sure they wanted me to laugh at it. Points for cleverness though as Dean captures it in a microwave and nukes it like a marshmallow. That IS funny. Poor RoboSam can't see nuked fairy innards. "Let's go with you see it and I don't." Dean describes the little glowing hot, naked lady and RoboSam makes the connection - Fairies! Apparently Sookie-light was not sniffing the glue after all. Dean whines, "She hit me." RoboSam: "I'm not supposed to laugh, right?" Don't worry RoboSam. I'm laughing hard enough for both of us. Best line of the night!!! Dean thinks Smurfs (Pfft) but RoboSam sticks with fairies. "Hey, you're the one who Pizza Rolled Tinkerbell. I'm just doing the math." (Bwah!) On second thought, that might be the best line of the episode.

Sookie-light exposits genres of fae, but she gives me the wiggins. Think Harry Potter's Delores Umbridge in a whisper voice. Psycho thinks they want to befriend fairies instead of kill them. I honestly thought she was going to be the bad guy. Still, she is a fount of fairy knowledge, telling the brothers that only people who have been to the fairy world can see them (hello homeless guy) and they take firstborn sons to service Oberon, the fairy king. "Dean, did you service Oberon, king of the fairies?" Now that's definitely the oddest thing ever said on SPN. Methinks it was a good thing Dean started shooting in the fairy realm or who knows where he would be now. Nice job Sera and co. on explaining why Dean was kidnapped instead of RoboSam. Dean wants to forcefully interact with the fae, and Sookie-light inevitably leaks out how they can fight them. She wants them for tea and I thought they were being drugged. I was way off this episode. "I feel like I've got the crazy on me…This makes me want to believe in UFO's again." RoboSam name checks Bobby and how I would love to see his reaction to this case.

Unfortunately, Plot Anvil lands on SuperJock's dad as he buys 3+ crates of cream. Shouldn't the grocery people be a little concerned? Aw, Dean trusts RoboSam enough to leave him the Impala while he checks out the watch store. What in the land of Oz is going on in this episode? The shoemaker's elves have turned to watch making, and I'm so beyond astounded that I refuse to say this is the weirdest thing that has ever been on Supernatural…AGAIN. I'm waiting until the end in fear that a herd of unicorns and the Lucky Charms leprechaun will drop by. Dean's face - priceless. Just back away slowly, Dean and never mention it again. RoboSam's on liquor patrol and doesn't beat around the bush. "Hell, if I didn't know better I'd say you have a bunch of elves working for you. Except I do know better and you have a bunch of elves working for you." That's the weirdest…oh forget it! RoboSam assumes Daddy has a soul, but on this show, it's not a given. SuperJock's dad was trying hard to provide for his family with Parkinson's when he got sucked up into a bad deal. Seriously, folks, does no one read the fine print? Just figure that if it involves demons, magic, or even angels, it's going to bite you in the end and not let go. I guess SuperJock is yet another kid screwed over by his parent's lack of foresight. Thanks again Mary! Yep folks, we've got leprechauns. Hmmm! At least RoboSam has a plan, and it might actually work the first time. What a refreshing change.

Meanwhile, Dean sees Homeless and acts like he has Yellow Fever again. Dean, remember that gun you carry. Use it! Why is Dean running from this guy? This doesn't make sense to me. The way Jensen is walking here also emphasizes his bowleggedness. Dean attacks Homeless Guy(?) and forgets that the word fairy has other connotations. Homeless Guy turns into a midget maybe or Dean mistook a midget for Homeless Guy. It's not very clear to me. Either way, it's not pretty and Dean gets arrested again. I have serious reservations about this. Even in podunk Indiana, arrested people get fingerprinted. What happens when Dean's prints go through AFIS and they match a dead serial killer's? Shouldn't that raise flags? One thing that bugs me about Supernatural is how they never wear gloves/defingerprint crime scenes, except in Nightmare and Everybody Loves a Clown. I've seen enough cop shows to realize this doesn't add up. Oh well. I'm guessing it won't be addressed this time either and if that's the only major pet peeve I have with the show, I am really lucky. Like a leprechaun.

RoboSam and Daddy get to Dean as he's being taken away. "Fight the fairies!" The sheriff exposits the hate crime theory, Dean denies, and the midget is the District Attorney. I'm expecting the District Attorney to be the leprechaun. How else does Dean get out? Dean tries to backtrack the situation, "Uh, it's nice to hear he's done so well for himself considering his…uh…considering the tough economic times." The sheriff leaves, Dean plays the hand harmonica, and the lights go out. I'm thinking another glowing Koosh ball and not a microwave in sight. RoboSam is faring better as the cream knocks fairies out like tequila and Daddy gets the book. Unfortunately Daddy gets speared in the chest out of nowhere. Huh, Star Trek (now Lucky) is the sole baddy. I'm not surprised, just sad he didn't join forces with the other 2. RoboSam, remember that gun you're holding. Use it! What is up with the Winchesters today? John would be so disappointed. Lucky exposits; Dean is marked; RoboSam has no soul. Are leprechauns more powerful than angels because Cas should have caught that one earlier? Apparently, Lucky can pull some strings too to release Sam's soul and suddenly I'm wondering if they are stockpiled in a warehouse sale. "There's no freaking way a leprechaun can do what angels cannot." I don't like this. Way too many soul venues and not enough soul getting. Lucky claims he can backdoor Satan but that doesn't work for me either. It lessens the stakes from season 5. RoboSam says no thanks and tries to shoot Lucky. No dice.

In jail, Dean gets his butt kicked by Homeless Guy. RoboSam gets his butt kicked by Lucky. Both brothers need a vacation. Finally, RoboSam uses his big noggin and releases the salt. Glad to see it has more than one use. Lucky counts, RoboSam reads, and Dean makes it out of prison. "Here's to the tiniest DA. Thanks for dropping the charges." I'm going to slowly back away from this one before my head explodes. Over at the Impala bar, Dean drinks a cold one and RoboSam explains why he didn't take Lucky's deal. "Dude, I do still have all my brain cells. If anything, my brain works better now." Um, I beg to differ RoboSam. I remember GeekBoy and he always had the answers. You, not so much. I bet it wouldn't have taken GeekBoy so long to remember the salt. Dean asks if RoboSam still wants his soul back. He says he does but we all know he's going to fight the re-souling thing. If the only benefits he sees is suffering and being a worse hunter, why would he want it back?

My thoughts in a nutshell: This episode provided some much-needed comic relief. It wasn't as powerful to me as Mystery Spot or Changing Channels but I did laugh almost the whole way through. In that aspect, it was everything I hoped for. RoboSam brought the comedy again and until the explaining morals thing gets old, I hope they continue exploring it. On the minus side, it opened up a whole new mythology of old magic. Saying it is more powerful than angels needs to be leprechaun trash-talking or it opens up new possibilities that for me lessen the series as a whole. I'll wait to see where it leads because we are still about 692 twists away from really understanding what is happening. I just hope it doesn't negate season 5's brief intensity or make Crowley less of a threat.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

The 10 Most Ridiculous ‘Supernatural’ Creatures

While most monsters on Supernatural are scary, the Winchesters have also faced plenty of ridiculous ones. Here are the 10 silliest foes Sam and Dean have faced.


Aunque la mayoría de los monstruos en Supernatural dan miedo, los Winchester también han enfrentado un montón de los ridículos.Éstos son los 10 más tontos enemigos de Sam y Dean se han enfrentado.

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Episode 6.10 - Caged Heat - Sneak Peek

Episode 6.10 - Caged Heat - Promo

Spoilers de Ausiello

Spoilers de Ausiello
¿Donde esta Castiel en Supernatural? van a hacer algo acerca de Adam,no parece que Sam y Dean van a abandonar a su hermano en el infierno.
Tal vez el no le agrade? (es broma). Si bien no hay noticias sobre Adam,la productora ejecutiva Sera Gamble hablo un poco "La posición de Cas es tremendamente horrible en el cielo" cuando hable con ella a principios de esta semana. "Va por tantas cosas que solo dice que no puede hablar". Es como mantener rígido un labio superior como pueda porque es torturado y solitario y creo que el siente que estos son los únicos que se preocupan por él en el universo.

Porfavor necesito alguna primicia de Supernatural! Sam recuperará pronto su alma?
Como hemos informado anteriormente, no espere ver el alma de Sam antes de la mitad de temporada. Dicho esto, Sam puede esperar una cosa antes de las vacaciones: una fuerte paliza.
De hecho,el episodio del 10 de diciembre- en el que participa como actor invitado Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) en el papel de un doctor sin licencia que trabaja en la parte posterior de una carnicería. "No quiere revelar todo acerca de este episodio, pero puedo decir que los dos hermanos están por lo menos cerca de la muerte en este episodio",dijo Gamble.

¿Es esta la última temporada de Supernatural?
En palabras de Dean Winchester, morderse la lengua paganos! Honestamente es demasiado pronto para decirlo, pero están planeando un episodio más audaz que saldrá al aire en primavera.

Ausiello Spoilers
Where’s Castiel on Supernatural? Also are they going to anything about Adam — it’s not like Sam and Dean to leave their brother in hell.
Ausiello: Maybe they just don’t like him? (Kidding.) While there’s no word on Adam, executive producer and showrunner Sera Gamble elaborated a bit on Cas’ “tremendously awful position in heaven” when I spoke with her earlier this week. “He’s going through so much that he’s only alluding to that he can’t really talk about. He’s keeping as stiff an upper lip as he can because he is tortured and lonely and…I think he feels these are the only people who care about him in the universe.”

Please, I need some Supernatural scoop!! Is Sam going to get his soul back soon?
Ausiello: As we reported earlier, don’t expect to see Sam’s soul before midseason. That said, Sam can expect one thing before the break: an ass kicking. In fact, the Dec. 10 episode — which guest stars Robert Englund (the original Freddy Krueger) as an unlicensed doctor who works out of the back of a butcher shop — finds both brothers on the receiving end of a “hardcore” beating. “I don’t want to give away the farm on this episode, but I will say both of them are at the very least near death in this episode,” said Gamble.

Is this Supernatural’s last season?!
Ausiello: In the words of Dean Winchester, bite your tongue heathen! Honestly, it’s too soon to tell, but they are in the early stages of planning a “bold” new meta-episode set to air in spring.

Descarga Episodio 6x08 con subtitulos

¡Hadas! - Mientras Sam (Jared Padalecki) y Dean (Jensen Ackles) están investigando un avistamiento OVNO, Dean es abducido desde un circulo de cultivos. Sin embargo, cuando despierta, descubre que él no está tratando con aliens, ¡son hadas!. Desafortunadamente, sólo Dean puede ver la hada que lo mantiene atacándolo, la cual hace dificultoso rastrearlos y detenerlos. Los hermanos llegan a estar aun más perplejos ucando la investigación de Sam los lleva a un mundo lleno de elfos, gnomos y duendes. John Showalter dirigue el episodio escrito por Ben Edlund.
